Monday, March 2, 2015

2nd half of the big game...........

Hello Everyone,

Haven't blogged in a couple of days as Matilda has been kicking some serious tail in the NICU! She has remained stable this whole time and right lung expanded more as has whatever is over in the left lung . The doctors are very happy with her thus far. We received the news today that Matila will be having surgery tomorrow morning @7:30. So I feel as though we have tackled the first half of this defect now its the 2nd half. This is the next big step we will see what is going on in there. It will be a long recovery from this as surgery is so stressful on little baby's body. If everyone again can get there pink and purple out for our little Matilda! We need all the good well wishes we can get. Paul and I are so in love with our little girl. She has accomplished so much in her 5 days of life then we ever could.
I am posting some pics of our little Matilda from yesterday and today when we gave her, her first bath.
Thanks again for all the love and support! We feel it and so does Matilda!
Lots of love,
The Crowes


  1. Oh my goodness, she's precious. I have a strong feeling she is going to continue to fight and make it through this. I will be thinking about you guys tomorrow morning. I can't wait to hear how the surgery went. <3

  2. Matilda and her whole family will be on my mind and in my prayers tomorrow. She has been so strong so far. Surely she will fly through this surgery and be home soon. Sending hugs to all...

  3. So very precious is the the life of this granddaughter of Lauren Turner. The Bishop Dunne girls are praying for all of you.
    Mary Moon

  4. We are all praying very hard for this beautiful little curly-haired girl. Kathleen Conway
