Friday, February 27, 2015

Matilda's Strength

When I heard Dr. Haddock say alright guys get ready here comes Matilda! They started pulling her out and Dr. Haddock said oh my goodness look at that which I quickly responded "What color is it?".......we have a history of gingers on Paul's side. Dr. Haddock replied dark!!! Then I breathed and heard the most beautiful cry! Paul and I cried tears of relief as we had been anticipating this moment since we found out about CDH.......Will she cry? At that moment I knew Matilda was showing us her battle cry! She just looked so amazing, Paul and I are absolutely in love with our little girl. She was born at 7:52am weighing 7lbs 11oz and length was 20inch. So at 38 wks she weighed more than her big brother! So far our little fighter is doing well. She has had two great days in the NICU thus far. And her organs seem to be responding to the Oxygen even her right lung expanding more and moving her heart to the left where it should be. So we believe if everything keeps moving in the right direction then she should have surgery by end of next week. And part of Matilda's strength comes from all the support! The pink and purple day was amazing. Seeing all the photos really helped us get through the day. Even Dr. Haddock was wearing purple scrubs which I hadn't mentioned to her that also lifted my spirits of a smooth delivery! Thanks to auntie Mer for being the official blogger when I am away. Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and thank you all for the support we feel so strong!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! So glad to hear she's doing well! Tough little gal. I've been thinking about you guys and will continue to pray for surgery to go well! Sending our love!
