Wednesday, March 25, 2015

One month

A month ago I was sitting on the edge of the operating table hunched over with Paul holding my hands while my feet rested on his knees. Meanwhile behind me Dr. Haus was giving me the epidural. He asked what Pandora station I wanted to listen to and I breathed in and said british bands to which I said Coldplay. They put the station on and bitter sweet symphony came on and I relaxed a bit. Dr. Haddock came over and I said to her I don't think I ever told you our Freddie birth music story did I? She replied no what is that.........I told her that right when she was delivering Freddie the song Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis came on to which Paul and I at the time looked at each other and thought really!! The lyrics " I keep bleeding, I keep keep bleeding love". Dr. Haddock laughed and said that was appropriate! So when she was delivering Matilda she said here she comes and we heard that sweet cry! The song "how to save a life" by the fray was on. After Dr. Haddock had handed her over to the neonatology team, the chorus "how to save a life" came back on and Dr. Haddock said now this is the song you want to be playing!
I cannot believe it has been a month since our sweet little Matilda was born. It really has felt like months emotionally. But poor Matilda has had to do all the work! I already told her we are going to Disney world when she is a little older. I think back over the past month, the good days, bad days, and I am just so thankful for our little fighter. I always wanted a little girl to the point that I use to cheat at the game of life (hope my brothers aren't reading this) just so I could have pink people in my car!! And now I have her.
All the nurses keep calling her a miracle. The doctors are so pleased with her. Dr. Frankfurt who took care of Matilda during her most critical two weeks, is back after two weeks off and finally got to see her sweet face. He was very pleased when he saw her without a ventilator!
So let me stop babbling and update on Matilda! Sorry I waited so long to post but literally the day after my last post Matilda's feeding tube went back in and she was spitting up more. She also wasn't latching as well. So we went a little backwards. This week they have started her on prilosec for reflux and upped her feeds so she is at 2oz. Which means no more pick line in her foot where her supplements are fed. So she is doing better but we still have some spit ups. But hey after the first month of life she has had, she can do whatever she would like!
Please keep those positive thoughts coming!
Thank you to everyone that is thinking about us!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the last picture! It's her way of saying, "I'm winning!"
